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Having complete and accurate medical records is the best way in which you can help your case for Social Security Disability benefits. If you are having problems affording medical care, the Social Security Help Center can assist you to find No Cost or Low Cost medical care in Massachusetts.

Bay State Community Services

Phone #: 781-485-6215
Provides outpatient mental health and substance abuse services, and free smoking cessation programs.


BMC – Project Trust

721 Massachusetts Avenue
Boston , MA 02118
Phone #: 617.414.4495 or 617.414.3521
Walk-in: 8:30 – 5:00 or call to make an appointment for after hours
Boston Back Bay Health Care Center, MGH 781-485-6215 Boston Medical Center 617-414-1818 New England Baptist Hospital 617-754-6464 North End Community Health Center 781-485-6215 South Cove Community Health Center 617-521-6855

The Women’s Health Network covers the following services: *Mammograms *Clinical breast exams *Pap tests *Pelvic exams *Diagnostic services for breast and cervical cancer including, if needed, radiology, biopsy, pathology, anesthesia, and ambulatory surgical center fees *Screening for hypertension, cholesterol, and diabetes Healthy lifestyle counseling Women’s Health Screenings Eligible uninsured or underinsured women in Quincy and on the South Shore receive free mammograms and Pap smears – important screening tests for breast cancer and cervical cancer – through a grant from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health or from the Marie Curry Fund. For more information, call a QMC outreach representative at 617-376-5349.

Children’s Hospital Martha Eliot Health Center

300 Longwood Avenue
Boston , MA 02115
Phone #: 617.355.7181 or 617.971.2342
Mon, Wed, Fri, 8:30-5pm. Tue, Thu, 8:30-8pm. Sat, 9:30-12:30

Boston HealthNet and Cambridge/Somerville Network Health

800-462-6381/Boston 888-257-1985/Cambridge, SomervilleIndividuals and families meeting income guidelines receive free or low cost hospitalization, doctor’s visits, mental health, prescription medicines & clinical tests. CommonHealth Health insurance for working disabled adults and children under 18 800-662-9996 800-608-3300 (TTY)

Betty Snead House

18-20 Parker Hill Avenue
Boston, MA 02111
Phone #: (617) 338-2352
Hours: Year round

Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program, Inc

729 Massachusetts Avenue
Boston, MA 02118
Phone #: (617) 414-2139
Admin Only Dental Care Services, Enabling Services, Mental Health/Substance Abuse Services, Other Professional Services, Primary Medical Care

Boston Medical Center Homeless Clinic

729 Massachusetts Avenue
Boston, MA 02118
Phone #: 617.414.7779
M-F, 8:30-5:00, walk-in.

Boston University Counseling Center

19 Deerfield Street
Boston, MA 02215
Phone #: 617-353-3540
(only for students and family members)Service: Short-term counseling; Individual group counseling;Psycho-educational workshops ; Support groups Career testingHours: Mon.-Fri. 8am-6pmFees: 1st session free; $15 per counseling session $5 per group session

Bridge Over Troubled Waters, Inc.

47 West Street
Boston, MA
Phone #: (617) 423-9575

Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers Suite 700

100 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02116
Phone #: (617) 426-2225
Services: Admin Only Dental Care Services, Enabling Services, Mental Health/Substance Abuse Services, Obstetrical and Gynecological Care, Other Professional Services, Primary Medical Care, Specialty Medical Care

North End Community Health Committee, Inc

332 Hanover Street
Boston, MA 02113
Phone #: (617) 742-9570
Services: Admin/Clinic Dental Care Services, Enabling Services, Mental Health/Substance Abuse Services, Obstetrical and Gynecological Care, Primary Medical Care, Specialty Medical Care

Outreach Van Project – Boston University School of Medicine

715 Albany Street
Boston, MA
Phone #: (617) 414-1039

Pine Street Inn

444 Harrison Avenue
Boston, MA 02118
Phone #: (617) 482-4944
Service:Admin/Clinic Enabling Services, Obstetrical and Gynecological Care, Other Professional Services, Primary Medical Care, Specialty Medical Care

Pine Street/The Women’s Inn Clinic

363 Albany Street
Boston, MA 02118
Phone #: (617) 521-7160
Hours :Year round

South Cove Community Health Center

145 South Street, Fourth Floor
Boston, MA 02111-2826
Phone #: (617) 521-6713
Services: Admin/Clinic Dental Care Services, Enabling Services, Mental Health/Substance Abuse Services, Obstetrical and Gynecological Care, Primary Medical Care, Specialty Medical Care

South Cove Community Health Center:

885 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02111
9 a.m. – 1 p.m., every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month


Centro Latino de Chelsea

267 Broadway Street
Chelsea , MA 02150
Phone #: 617.884.3238
Walk-in: Mon, 9-5. Fri, 9-5. Wed, 12:30-7:30.

Depression After Delivery

Phone #: 800-944-4PPD (24 hr)
Information for new parents & referrals support groups

Free Care at Hospitals

Phone #: 800-272-4232
Program that offers free care at hospitals to eligible people; for more information call your local hospital or Health Care for All at 800-272-4232; all immigrants eligible, regardless of status.

Free Prescription Drug Program

Phone #: 800-272-4232
National program that provides free prescription drugs to income eligible consumers through their doctors who order directly from pharmaceutical company; call Health Care for All for information at

Health Care for All – Health Helpline

Phone #: 617-350-7279 or 800-272-4232
Information, referral, and advocacy for health care. Health Care For All is dedicated to making adequate and affordable health care accessible to everyone, regardless of income, social or economic status. Their goal is to empower consumers in Massachusetts to know more about the health care system and become involved in changing it.


Sharewood Clinic in Malden:

Centre United Methodist Church 7 Washington Street, 2nd Floor
Malden, MA 02148
Phone #: 617-376-CARE
6:30 p.m. – 10 p.m. every Tuesday*Free screenings throughout the year for skin cancer, prostate cancer, depression, blood pressure and cholesterol *Screenings and vaccinations for hepatitis B to everyone for FREE at the

The Sharewood Project-Tufts University School of Medicine

The First Church, 184 Pleasant Strret

Malden, MA 02148
Phone #: (617) 636-7564
Massachusetts Department of Mental Health

Phone #: 800-221-0053
Emergency evaluations and treatment for persons having a mental health crisis
Massachusetts Family Planning Program

Phone #: 617-624-6060
Referrals to family planning clinics, and information about birth control and reproductive health services

Massachusetts Substance Abuse Information and Education Helpline

Phone #: 800-327-5050 (24 hr) or 617-354-0997 (TTY)
Referrals to substance abuse treatment services

National Mental Health Association

Phone #: 800-969-6642
Referrals to mental health providers and information on mental health

Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts

Phone #: 800-682-9218
Counseling and referral service; confidential pregnancy testing; reproductive health services

Reproduction/Parenting Boston Center for Reproductive Health

Phone #: 617-983-3173
Smokers Quilting

Phone #: 800-TRY-TO-STOP (24 hr) 800-TDD-1477 (TDD)
Counseling and referrals to smoking cessation programs


Cambridge Health Alliance
230 Highland Avenue
Somerville , MA 02143
Phone #: 617.591.6769

WIC (Women, Infants, and Children)

Phone #: 800-WIC-1007
Food for eligible pregnant women and children under 5 and information on nutrition, breastfeeding, child health and development, and parenting

Always consult with an experienced social security disability professional when you need help getting your disability benefits!

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